We offer lessons to the rider looking to get on a horse for the first time, all the way to those seeking to hone their skills for the "A" circuit show ring in hunters or jumpers. Lessons are tailored to the skill level of the rider and horse.
You can bring your own horse (no trailer-in fee) or ride one of our school horses (no extra charge).
$650 for a package of 10 lessons
From time to time we have lesson horses for lease. A half lease is available for $350/month.
"We learn; we teach. We continue learning; we continue to teach what we learn."

Helen Gould
Owner, Head Trainer & Instructor
Grand Prix and Puissance Rider
2023 marked Helen's 58th year on the Colorado show circuit. Helen has an eye for the simple solutions to horse and rider problems and is often consulted by other professionals, drawing from her experience in Grand Prix and Puissance jumpers. She is highly respected by the national and local trainers she has coached and mentored. Helen teaches our intermediate and advanced riders, and also loves working with young horses and their riders, developing each to their potential.

Liz Certain
USDF Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal
Hunter and Jumper Rider
USEF "r" Jumper Course Designer
Liz began to teach in her teenage years in Canada, and in 2001 graduated Cum Laude from the Equine Science program at Colorado State University. While most of her life she has ridden hunters and jumpers, she has also developed her skills in dressage, earning her USDF Gold (2021), Silver (2018) and Bronze (2017) Medals. Liz has enjoyed success in the National and International Hunter Derbies, always finishing in the ribbons. Both showing and working in the jumper ring, Liz maintains and regularly uses her USEF "r" Jumper Course Designer license.
Liz's training passion lies in developing horses and teaching riders the detail of the horse/rider relationship as it pertains to horse sport.